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About Camila

My story 


I've started to change my relationship with food around 3 years ago, but before that, as a lot of people, I struggled during years and years with my weight and eating. I did many different diets and lost weight here and there, but always went backwards at my first distraction. 

I always paid the gym, but I used to go once every 2 weeks, or so, and the word “diet” for me was synonymous of suffering and not enjoying life in the way I was used to.

It was just when I started seeing food and exercise from another angle that I found my way to a happier and healthier life.

That’s why I've decided to start this project. Because I want help people to find this way too. A way that is pleasant and doesn’t mean pain, or giving up on anything.




Healthy Eating

Meal plan for special diets (paleo, vegan, food intolerances)

Healthy cooking/meal prep

Fitness nutrition

Personal training

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